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The East Lake Band Boosters Corporation is a 501(c)(3). Our boosters assist the band in a variety of activities to support the needs of the East Lake High School band programs. If your child is in band, you are a member of the band boosters. 


The band always needs volunteers to assist with a variety of activities. All volunteers must complete the Pinellas County Schools volunteer form prior to volunteering. Some volunteer positions require level 2 clearance. Please speak with Mr. Black, Ms. Bert, or a board member if you are available to volunteer.


East Lake High School Band Boosters Mission Statement

The mission of East Lake High School Band Boosters (ELHSBB) is to provide continual support of the students, directors, and families of the East Lake High School Music Program in their goal to achieve the highest standards of music education, music performance, and personal growth.  Our servant leadership approach facilitates the music enrichment of the student membership of East Lake High School; promotes the place and value of music in our community and the
significant role music plays in the cultural, intellectual, and social lives of our students; fosters fellowship and goodwill among its students; and provides opportunities for our students to grow as people and as leaders. 

2024–2025 Board

President:​ Carolina Jantac

Vice President: Amy Thacker

AP Treasurer: Kristin Baillargeon

AR Treasurer: Jennifer Lynch

Secretary: Sydeanna Davis

Communications: Angela Swary

Committee Chairs

Fundraising: OPEN POSITION

Chaperones/Volunteers: Angela Swary

County Paperwork:  Pam Bert

Concession Stand: OPEN POSITION

Color Guard: Whitney Vincent

Uniforms: Suzanne Mayberry

Props: Kristin Baillargeon, Carolina Jantac

East Lake Classic: Carolina Jantac/Amy Thacker

East Lake Classic program: Carolina Jantac

Sponsorships: Suzanne and Carolina

Spirit Wear: Erika Wilkins

Winter Guard: Whitney Vincent

Boosters Meetings

Our booster meetings are held monthly at East Lake High School. Location can vary depending on the students practice schedule; however, the meeting will be in the area of the band room and signs will be posted. 

Boosters Meeting Minutes
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  • Amazon Smile - East Lake Silver Sound
  • Sign Up Genius - Volunteer Opportunities

East Lake Band Boosters

36181 East Lake Road, Box 192

Palm Harbor  FL  34685

Copyright 2023

Website designed and maintained by

East Lake Band Boosters

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