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The East Lake Band Boosters organization is actively recruiting sponsors. Becoming a sponsor is a way to help the East Lake Band meet their financial obligations which include purchasing musical instruments, equipment, transportation, teaching instructors and assistants, custom music composition, choreography, and uniforms.


The East Lake Band Boosters is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization which means your sponsorship could be considered a tax-deductible contribution. Please consult your tax adviser for complete details.


There are many benefits to becoming a sponsor including banners, promotional ads, and programs throughout the year. If you are interested in becoming an East Lake Band Sponsor, please review and complete the Sponsorship Form or feel free to email us at for more information.

East Lake Classic Program

​The East Lake Band Boosters want to include your sponsorship advertisement in our Classic program. In order for us to place your ad, camera ready artwork and payment must be received no later than the last weekend in September. [Classic Ad Size Templates can be found here.] Email artwork to


With Your Silver Sound Student

Make checks payable to the East Lake Band Boosters and return your completed sponsorship with your Silver Sound student.


By Mail

Make checks payable to the East Lake Band Boosters and mail your completed form to: 

East Lake Band Boosters, 36181 East Lake Road, Box 192, Palm Harbor, FL 34685


Via Paypal

Make payment via Paypal. Return your completed sponsorship form to: 

East Lake Band Boosters, 36181 East Lake Road, Box 192, Palm Harbor, FL 34685


East Lake Classic Programs from previous years.



Ian Black

Director of Bands


c/o East Lake High School

1300 Silver Eagle Dr

Tarpon Springs  FL  34688

727.942.5419 (school)

Amazon will donate 0.5% of the price of your eligible Amazon Smile purchases to the East Lake Band Boosters at no cost to you! Click this link to sign up


Encourage your friends and family to sign up for Amazon Smile and select the East Lake Band Boosters…it costs nothing and the benefits are endless.

  • Facebook
  • Amazon Smile - East Lake Silver Sound
  • Sign Up Genius - Volunteer Opportunities

East Lake Band Boosters

36181 East Lake Road, Box 192

Palm Harbor  FL  34685

Copyright 2023

Website designed and maintained by

East Lake Band Boosters

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